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Home » Pre-Packed-Sinkers » Sinkers » Terminal » Bean Sinkers

Bean sinkers are often used when anglers want a little movement but ultimately more control.

Their flatter profile means that they will move a little, but not a lot and this gives a host of advantages when you want a more fixed position to your bait.

Bean sinkers are often the first choice for anglers fishing rougher territory like reefs, rocks and heavy snags.

Code Deacription QTY
WPPBEAN1 Pre-pack Bean Sinker 1 8
WPPBEAN2 Pre-pack Bean Sinker 2 5
WPPBEAN3 Pre-pack Bean Sinker 3 3
WPPBEAN4 Pre-pack Bean Sinker 4 2
WPPBEAN5 Pre-pack Bean Sinker 5 2

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